Once upon a time…

there was a little girl who liked to play in the garden and listen to the silence.

She made hidden cubby houses in the garden using little tree stumps for seats and went on exciting adventures on her yellow bicycle.

Never actually far from home, in her mind she was miles away in an un-explored land.


She knew the earth enjoyed her feet’s massage as she walked upon it. She knew the vast starry cosmos was her home.

Always listening, always dancing, always intensely alive.


She left little notes around the house for father, to remind him to think happy thoughts and feel well; making a wish that she could bring peace to every mind, so that everyone could feel as connected as she did.


Here I am now…

many years later, still with the same passion.

I feel so inspired by music, nature, movement and emotions. What is one without the others? Creativity rises out of silence. There is music in silence and silence in music. Nature dances to her own songs, and love moves us to glorious heights.

I trust that the energy of these words will bring you peace, as they do to me.

What does Jevois mean?

"je vois" is french and it means "i see".

A little connection to my father and our french ancestry.

He used to say “Ah… I see, IC”